

  1. 1.Peace Journalism by Jake Lynch and Annabel McGoldrick (Stroud: Hawthorn Press, 2005)

  2. 2.Debates in Peace Journalism by Jake Lynch (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 2008)

  3. 3.Reporting Conflict: New Directions in Peace Journalism by Jake Lynch and Johan Galtung (Queensland University Press, 2010)

  4. 4.Reporting the World by Jake Lynch (Taplow: Conflict and Peace Forums, 2002)

  5. 5.Peace Journalism, War and Conflict Resolution ed Richard Keeble, John Tulloch and Florian Zollmann (London: Peter Lang Inc., 2010)

  6. 6.Peace Journalism: the State of the Art, ed Wilhelm Kempf and Dov Shinar (Berlin, Regener, 2007)

  7. 7.The Peace Journalism Controversy, ed Wilhelm Kempf (Berlin: Regener, 2008)

  8. 8.Peace Journalism in Times of War, Peace and Policy Volume 13, ed Susan Dente Ross and Majid Tehranian, Transaction Publishers/Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research, 2008.

  9. 9.Constructive Conflict Coverage: A social psychological approach, ed Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (Berlin: Regener, 2003)

  10. 10.Democratizing Global Media, ed Robert A Hackett and Yuezhi Zhao, (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005).

  11. 11. Expanding Peace Journalism: Comparative and critical approaches, ed Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, Jake Lynch & Robert A Hackett (Sydney University Press, 2011)

For a full list of all Peace Journalism publications by Jake Lynch download this pdf


11 books on peace journalism